- US0/2mm - $ 9.20
- US1/2.25mm - $ 9.20
- US1.5/2.5mm - $ 9.20
- US2/2.75mm
- US2.5/3mm - $ 9.80
- US3/3.25mm - $ 9.80
- US4/3.5mm - $ 9.80
- US5/3.75mm - $ 9.80
- US6/4mm - $ 10.90
- US7/4.5mm - $ 10.90
- US8/5mm - $ 10.90
- US9/5.5mm - $ 10.90
- US10/6mm - $ 10.50
- US10.5/6.5mm - $ 12.10
- US10.75/7mm - $ 12.10
- US11/8mm - $ 12.10
- US13/9mm - $ 13.10
- US15/10mm - $ 13.10
- US17/12mm - $ 14.40
There are lots of reasons to love DREAMZ circular needles, from Knitters Pride. The beautiful, specially hardened birch that holds up to the tensest of knitters without breaking. The fact that they are color coded, so more looking at the same needle three time trying to find the right size - or the cables, which are soft and lovely and flexible. The joins that don't snag. The sizing marks on both the needles and on the metal end caps. And of course, there is the VERY reasonable price. Whatever reason you choose, these fantastic circulars will make your knitting and your fingers, happy.í«ÌÎ_
Lengths: 16 - 47"í«ÌÎ_
Sizes: US0 (2mm) toí«ÌÎ_US19(15mm) - US16 go up to size 11 only
Returns Policy
RETURNS Returns are easy! Please use our RETURNS link at the bottom of any page to generate a label and get your return back to us! Please note that returns must be sent using the returns portal or we cannot guarantee credit. Please allow 30 days for your return to be processed. Problems or questions? Jump on chat or email us. MORE ABOUT RETURNS Returns over 30 Days will be issued Store Credit. Return Shipping charges will be deducted from your return/credit. Returns will be charged a 5% restock fee. Special orders and wound yarns are not returnable. Please note: we allow a maximum of 3 returns per year. We do not cover the cost of return labels, we're happy to provide them via our portal, but the cost will be deducted from your refund We do not cover international return shipping.