madelinetosh began in 2006 with the idea of creating an artists palette of hand knitting yarns, fulfilling a desire for the perfect hue. Enthused with a love of painting and influenced by the rich history of art in textiles, madelinetosh seeks to create a color palette guided by the subtle nuances and layered depth of colors found in the natural world. By selecting natural fibers that are soft and supple to the touch and enjoyable to handle, their dye process is done by hand, applying multiple colors to the fiber in thin glazes, adding true depth and dimension.
Madelinetosh Fade Packs (4 Skein Kits)
Regular price$ 104.00
Tosh Merino Light - Multicolor and speckled yarns
Regular price$ 30.00
Tosh Merino Light - Solid Hand Dyed Colors
Regular price$ 30.00
Madeline Tosh - Pashmina Sport
Regular price$ 36.00
Madelinetosh - Tosh DK
Regular price$ 26.50
madelinetosh - Tosh Praire
Regular price$ 24.70
madeline tosh VINTAGE Yarn
Regular price$ 30.00
madeline tosh Vintage Yarn (2)
Regular price$ 30.00
Madelinetosh - Tosh DK (Cont'd)
Regular price$ 26.50
Madelinetosh Fade Packs - 5 Skein Kit
Regular price$ 145.00